Sunday, January 27, 2008

Chapter 11
I decided to go into town cuz I was bored. I thought it’d be funny if I dressed up as a girl. Not just my ol’ self. Maybe I can even fool another person. So I came to a woman’s house. At first she asked m’name. I can’t even remember what I said. Later she hinted that she knew, and asked again. Of course I forgot, bein’ dumb ol’ Huck. She guessed so easily because of my good throw and how I couldn’t thread a needle. The easy stuff. But oh well. At least she din’t find out I was really Huck.
I dunno what’s gonna happen to Jim. I think he’s smart enough to figure it out himself. I just hope the family doesn’t buy Jim just to get his money. Plus, he din’t really kill me. Well, that’s obvious. I just dunno if I want to find him m’self. Either way, Jim will get in a lot of trouble.
I also know, I wouldn’t want to get caught for doin’ somethin’ I din’t do. But it could be kinda cool killin’ people and all. I don’t really know why I went into town today. I guess I just wanted more fun. I mean who doesn’t enjoy pretendin’ to be a girl. Maybe I should try it on someone else. I could even fake how I throw, or be more careful. Like a girl. I’m sure Jim’ll be fine. I mean he did run away on his own.

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