Sunday, January 27, 2008

Chapter 2
I was at home n’ I decided to go and hang out with Tom and his friends. I din’t think the Widow’d be too worried. So we was talkin’ about killin’ people n’ stealin’ their stuff. Tom even made us to an oath with blood so no one'd tell all our important secrets. Problem was that if anyone told, they'd kill our families. Too bad I don't got one. I'm sure they'd kill Miss Watson and maybe Pap, anyways.
I don’t even know what ransomed is. I mean I guess we could leave ‘em, but it’s kinda hard sayin’ somethin’ when you don’t know what it means. I also don’t know if we’ll really kill people. I kinda want to. It’ll feel good, but I dunno how the other boys’ll feel. They’re probably scaredy cats anyways. I’m sure I could do it. I have the guts.
This was also like the time Tom tried to get me to steal the old man's few bucks he had. I told him I wasn't afraid to do it, but I didn't want to be around Pap. If he found out he'd a killed me. Besides he was gonna spend it on more alcohol anyways.

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