Sunday, January 27, 2008

Chapter 1
Me and Tom found a whole bunch of money in a cave. I'm really excited we got it all, but I don't know what to do with it. I bet Tom's gonna spend it all soon. Not sure what, but he'll find a way to spend it. I'm sure My Pap's gonna keep tryin' to get the money from me. But I'll say I don't have any money, which is kinda the truth. Cuz, Judge Thatcher has it.
I don't know why Miss Watson always wants me to be good. I go to school enough. I don't need to pray either. Why does she even want me to do that. Just cuz she doesn't mean I have to. She does it all the time. If she does something, she wants me to do the same. Like I'm her son, but I'm not! I like hangin' around with Tom and the other boys, and pretendin' we're robbers and stuff.
It's not as hard not spendin' the money as I thought it would be. I mean it's a lot, and everybody wants it. I guess it's just not important to me. Like when Miss Watson tried to git me to pray. She says you get everything you want. But I don't believe it. It's just another stupid thing she says. She thinks people believe anything.

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