Sunday, January 27, 2008

Chapter 16
There was so many times that I coulda given up Jim, but I din't. I guess I kinda like 'im. The guys in Cairo says I should leave, even though I says my family's got smallpox. At least that kept them away from taken Jim. I was glad I fooled them and Jim was fine.
Later I boat was taken. And I was scared cuz I couldn't find Jim, and I didn't have my Raft. But the dogs scared me. I've never really been around dogs before. Ever since I got bit by one when I was little. I didn't know what to do next. Whether or not to fight them, or run away, or call for Jim. Nothing seemed like a good idea at the time.
I still don't know if I feel good or bad about helpin' Jim. I'm sure I'll get in trouble with Miss Watson if she finds out. I'd get in a lot of trouble. But Jim wants to be with him family. I would want to be to. So because I'm his good friend, I decided to help him. So I promised I wouldn't tell. I kept thinkin of the oath I took with Tom and ransomin' people. I'm bet Jim would want the same oath, that he would kill my family if I told any secrets.

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