Sunday, January 27, 2008

Chapter 24
Jim was afraid about bein tied up in the boat, but we told him it'd be okay. It's cuz he wouldn't get caught if it looked like he was already caught. It's probably weird and he probably thinks we're gonna turn on him or something, and really turn him in. He's just paranoid though. He knows I keep all his secrets.
When we went to the next town, the daughin came with me and we talked with another man about a man called Peter Wilks. I feel bad for im' cuz his brother's deaf and mute, but he gets a lot of old property from Peter. Same with his other brother. I wonder if the brothers will ever show up? And if they don't, who will get all the property? Maybe I could even get it. Don't know how, but I could find a way.
Later I was mad cuz the Duke and Dauphin went to where Wilks lived. And then pretended they were Wikes's brothers. They even did things like sign language to pretend they were deaf and mute. They also pretended they were sad, just so they could get the land. I can't believe they would pretend to be someone else to steal someone else's things. That's more than stealin'.

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