Sunday, January 27, 2008

Chapter 24
Jim was afraid about bein tied up in the boat, but we told him it'd be okay. It's cuz he wouldn't get caught if it looked like he was already caught. It's probably weird and he probably thinks we're gonna turn on him or something, and really turn him in. He's just paranoid though. He knows I keep all his secrets.
When we went to the next town, the daughin came with me and we talked with another man about a man called Peter Wilks. I feel bad for im' cuz his brother's deaf and mute, but he gets a lot of old property from Peter. Same with his other brother. I wonder if the brothers will ever show up? And if they don't, who will get all the property? Maybe I could even get it. Don't know how, but I could find a way.
Later I was mad cuz the Duke and Dauphin went to where Wilks lived. And then pretended they were Wikes's brothers. They even did things like sign language to pretend they were deaf and mute. They also pretended they were sad, just so they could get the land. I can't believe they would pretend to be someone else to steal someone else's things. That's more than stealin'.
Chapter 16
There was so many times that I coulda given up Jim, but I din't. I guess I kinda like 'im. The guys in Cairo says I should leave, even though I says my family's got smallpox. At least that kept them away from taken Jim. I was glad I fooled them and Jim was fine.
Later I boat was taken. And I was scared cuz I couldn't find Jim, and I didn't have my Raft. But the dogs scared me. I've never really been around dogs before. Ever since I got bit by one when I was little. I didn't know what to do next. Whether or not to fight them, or run away, or call for Jim. Nothing seemed like a good idea at the time.
I still don't know if I feel good or bad about helpin' Jim. I'm sure I'll get in trouble with Miss Watson if she finds out. I'd get in a lot of trouble. But Jim wants to be with him family. I would want to be to. So because I'm his good friend, I decided to help him. So I promised I wouldn't tell. I kept thinkin of the oath I took with Tom and ransomin' people. I'm bet Jim would want the same oath, that he would kill my family if I told any secrets.
Chapter 1
Me and Tom found a whole bunch of money in a cave. I'm really excited we got it all, but I don't know what to do with it. I bet Tom's gonna spend it all soon. Not sure what, but he'll find a way to spend it. I'm sure My Pap's gonna keep tryin' to get the money from me. But I'll say I don't have any money, which is kinda the truth. Cuz, Judge Thatcher has it.
I don't know why Miss Watson always wants me to be good. I go to school enough. I don't need to pray either. Why does she even want me to do that. Just cuz she doesn't mean I have to. She does it all the time. If she does something, she wants me to do the same. Like I'm her son, but I'm not! I like hangin' around with Tom and the other boys, and pretendin' we're robbers and stuff.
It's not as hard not spendin' the money as I thought it would be. I mean it's a lot, and everybody wants it. I guess it's just not important to me. Like when Miss Watson tried to git me to pray. She says you get everything you want. But I don't believe it. It's just another stupid thing she says. She thinks people believe anything.
Chapter 2
I was at home n’ I decided to go and hang out with Tom and his friends. I din’t think the Widow’d be too worried. So we was talkin’ about killin’ people n’ stealin’ their stuff. Tom even made us to an oath with blood so no one'd tell all our important secrets. Problem was that if anyone told, they'd kill our families. Too bad I don't got one. I'm sure they'd kill Miss Watson and maybe Pap, anyways.
I don’t even know what ransomed is. I mean I guess we could leave ‘em, but it’s kinda hard sayin’ somethin’ when you don’t know what it means. I also don’t know if we’ll really kill people. I kinda want to. It’ll feel good, but I dunno how the other boys’ll feel. They’re probably scaredy cats anyways. I’m sure I could do it. I have the guts.
This was also like the time Tom tried to get me to steal the old man's few bucks he had. I told him I wasn't afraid to do it, but I didn't want to be around Pap. If he found out he'd a killed me. Besides he was gonna spend it on more alcohol anyways.
Chapter 11
I decided to go into town cuz I was bored. I thought it’d be funny if I dressed up as a girl. Not just my ol’ self. Maybe I can even fool another person. So I came to a woman’s house. At first she asked m’name. I can’t even remember what I said. Later she hinted that she knew, and asked again. Of course I forgot, bein’ dumb ol’ Huck. She guessed so easily because of my good throw and how I couldn’t thread a needle. The easy stuff. But oh well. At least she din’t find out I was really Huck.
I dunno what’s gonna happen to Jim. I think he’s smart enough to figure it out himself. I just hope the family doesn’t buy Jim just to get his money. Plus, he din’t really kill me. Well, that’s obvious. I just dunno if I want to find him m’self. Either way, Jim will get in a lot of trouble.
I also know, I wouldn’t want to get caught for doin’ somethin’ I din’t do. But it could be kinda cool killin’ people and all. I don’t really know why I went into town today. I guess I just wanted more fun. I mean who doesn’t enjoy pretendin’ to be a girl. Maybe I should try it on someone else. I could even fake how I throw, or be more careful. Like a girl. I’m sure Jim’ll be fine. I mean he did run away on his own.